Monday, July 16, 2012

Meet the Creasys

The question we get asked often is why do we want to adopt? the answer is simple..God told us to ! Wink With that said most people don't realize what our past is. We talked about adopting when we first got married but figured we would see. Then as life went on we were able to get pregnant but I would get extremely sick. Every pregnancy got worse and worse. We had everything from possibly having to choose between the baby and Renita, being told to abort the pregnancy, and even delivering our stillbirth daughter at home. We strongly feel God was saying we have "pushed the limit enough".
We started looking deeper into it while I was pregnant with Tayaun, as we were told it takes up to 5 years or more. The more we dug the more frustrated we became. Then one day we found this agency based out of California that really took the time to talk to us and walk with us step by step. Since then our adoption has gone from 0-60. We thought it would be a while before we could get moving on this. There was no way we would be able to get the funding anytime soon. We prayed and said God if this is what you want us to do it's all on you! Then God flung open the doors! The agency was doing a program to reduce the cost of adopting we applied and were given the grant to move forward. God has provided every step of the way! We know God has our daughter out there just waiting for us. None of this would be possible without God. We have always stood by this but we stand in awe of the process God puts us through. We are very exited and can't wait to extend our family. If you would like to know more, please ask Smile

The Creasy's

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